I picked up this heart-shaped rock at the Dachau Concentration Camp. I hold it every day and it reminds me of my visit to Dachau and the horror that mankind is capable of.
The Turn the Page Book Fund provides textbooks to deserving community college students who might not be able to afford them otherwise.

Founded in 2015, we have collaborated with financial aid departments at three community colleges—Bunker Hill Community College, Cape Cod Community College, and Roxbury Community College—where staff are able to informally select students who have maxed out traditional means of financial aid and are struggling to afford required textbooks. Every student who has received books from us to date has passed his or her classes, the vast majority with an A or B result! Most recipients come from low-income backgrounds, are single parents, immigrants, or continuing education students trying to find a path to a better life.
We are unique in that we convert 100% of our donors’ contributions into the very textbooks our students require, with nothing taken by Turn the Page or by our college partners. Overhead costs are covered by our executive board and through existing college infrastructures.
The Turn the Page Book Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are 100% tax deductible.